Conceptualizing Humanities GIS: An Expert Planning Workshop on Religion in the Atlantic World
FAIN: HD-50228-07
Trustees of Indiana University, Indianapolis (Indianapolis, IN 46202-3288)
David J. Bodenhamer (Project Director: April 2007 to March 2009)
A 3-day invitational workshop for 10 experts in historical Geographical Information Systems, religion in the Atlantic world, and cultural mapping, which will result in a book on the workshop topic.
This proposal for an expert planning conference on Humanities GIS imagines a future for the humanities arising from the cultivation of interfaces between the humanities and social sciences. A research project and book will stem from the workshop. The audience for this project includes both specialists and non-specialists, including teachers who must help their students understand the local and global context of events.
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A Sea of Texts: The Atlantic World, Spatial Mapping, and Equiano's Narative (Web Resource)Title: A Sea of Texts: The Atlantic World, Spatial Mapping, and Equiano's Narative
Author: Elizabeth Maddock Dillon
The Atlantic World is a spatial concept. Literally, the Atlantic is an ocean, and in recent years, historians and literary scholars have increasingly called upon this ocean to define the field of study in which they work. Scholars who might once have worked in the areas of early American literature or British imperial history have traded a politically and nationally delimited field for a spatially and geographically defined one. There are many good reasons for this development, not least of which is the challenge and excitement of constructing a field imaginary in which the nation-state does not (for those who work in pre-national American contexts, for instance) anachronistically organize the canon of meaningful works and the shape of intellectual inquiry. And indeed, the Atlantic world is a term that seems to catch at the lived reality of the many people, goods, ideas, biota, and texts that circulated between and among Europe, Africa, and the Americas in the period of European colonization of the Americas, as well as in later periodsperiods that may, in turn, be productively viewed in terms of the neo-imperial and/or postcolonial national cultures accreted on the bones of this (Atlantic) colonial history. But what are the ramifications of turning to a spatial term to define a field of history and literature? More broadly, we might ask, what is the relation of Atlantic space to the humanities work being performed under the rubric of its title?Year: 2008
Primary URL:!essaySpace and Religion in the Atlantic World (Book)Title: Space and Religion in the Atlantic World
Editor: John Corrigan
Abstract: This series of essays from participants in an NEH-funded expert workshop on Religion and Space in the Atlantic World uses geo-spatial technologies to explore questions about the role of religion in conceptualizing the Atlantic World.
Year: 2015
Publisher: University of South Carolina Press
Type: Edited Volume
ISBN: forthcoming