
Digital Humanities: Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants

Period of Performance

9/1/2008 - 3/31/2011

Funding Totals

$49,577.00 (approved)
$49,577.00 (awarded)

The Crowded Page

FAIN: HD-50440-08

University of Nebraska, Lincoln (Lincoln, NE 68503-2427)
Andrew Wade Jewell (Project Director: April 2008 to August 2011)

The development of data-mining and visualization tools to detail and map relationships in communities of writers and artists within specific geographic and temporal locations.

The Crowded Page is an Internet-based humanities computing project whose goal is to create data-mining and visualization tools that will allow researchers to map out the intricate connections between the members of artistic and literary communities. In most accounts of literary and art history, a work of art or literature is said to be the product of a single creative mind. In an effort to make visible what is often obscured in traditional histories of art and literature, The Crowded Page seeks to take advantage of the unique capabilities of the digital medium to foreground the ways in which a complex network of friends, editors, neighbors, lovers, and fellow artists and writers informs the creative process.