Civil Rights Movement Remix (CRM-Remix)
FAIN: HD-51126-10
Bank Street College of Education (New York, NY 10025-1898)
Bernadette Anand (Project Director: March 2010 to February 2012)
A series of workshops to plan the development of location-based smartphone applications about the African-American Civil Rights Movement based around sites in Harlem, NY.
Bank Street College of Education is partnering with the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture for a Level I grant ($25,000). The grant will support the research and initial planning of Civil Rights Movement Remix (CRM-Remix), which brings together educators, youth, and humanities specialists to develop a digital exhibition and a location-based digital game/smartphone application about the African-American Civil Rights Movement. CRM-Remix uses smartphones and Web-based platforms such as 7Stories, SCVNGR, Foursquare, Wikis, NING, Remix World, and open source platforms to enhance the study of the Schomburg's digital archives to create a youth-friendly on-line exhibition featuring a geospatially referenced interactive map of historically important Civil Rights Movement sites in Harlem. CRM-Remix will ground students in the history of the 20th century struggle for equal rights and, by extension, engage youth in contemporary human rights issues.