Professionalization in Digital Humanities Centers
FAIN: HD-51161-10
University of Maryland, College Park (College Park, MD 20742-5141)
Tanya E. Clement (Project Director: March 2010 to September 2013)
A two-day workshop and online discussion resulting in recommendations for establishing professional standards for evaluating scholarship developed at digital humanities centers.
Since the 1990s, digital humanities centers have sprung up in increasing numbers to accommodate the challenges to the traditional humanities posed by new technologies, as well as the particular forms of knowledge and interdisciplinarity they entail. As these centers flourish, they are being staffed by a new kind of hybrid scholar, often with advanced degrees, who eschews traditional tenure track positions while nonetheless being deeply invested in the pursuit of innovative research. These scholars are not well represented by the normative humanities division between faculty research and service staff and even the most innovative digital humanities centers have been slow to evolve new standards and methods for their professional development. We are applying for a Digital Humanities Level 1 Start Up grant to support a two-day workshop and online discussion that will result in a white paper and a set of recommendations for establishing career paths within digital humanities centers.