Enhancing Dance Literacy: Dance Notation Through Touch Technology
FAIN: HD-51352-11
Reed College (Portland, OR 97202-8138)
Hannah J. Kosstrin (Project Director: March 2011 to April 2014)
Development of a software program for touch-technology tablets such as the iPad that would allow for scholarly dance notation.
This project’s principal activity is to create a dance notation editing program implementing touch technology. The project will result in the development and release of a freeware tablet application that innovates upon existing Labanotation software to develop a program that will significantly change the way dance and movement teachers, scholars, and professionals document, read, write, share, and utilize this notation in teaching, research, and public projects. This technology will enable users to engage with the notation on a high level of detail, while allowing them the portability of bringing it directly into the studio or into the research field. The beneficiaries of this project are researchers, scholars, teachers, choreographers, dancers, and students in fields such as dance, theater, and performance studies who use movement as an integral part of their scholarly inquiry. The expected results are the creation of an iPad application that can be used in educational settings.
Media Coverage
Dance Notation Goes Mobile at Reed College (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Kevin Myers
Publication: Reed College News Center
Date: 8/2/2011
Abstract: Grant announcement on college website.
URL: http://www.reed.edu/news_center/index.php?id=8ba6e5ab860a0f1b75a713db9b564a26&criteria=&year=2011
Dance Notation for the iPad? There's an App for That (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Jie Jenny Zou
Publication: Wired Campus - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Date: 8/5/2011
Abstract: Feature story about the Enhancing Dance Literacy project.
URL: http://chronicle.com/blogs/wiredcampus/dance-notation-for-the-ipad-theres-an-app-for-that/32706
Alumna Profile: Hannah Kosstrin (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Hillary Blunt
Publication: Goucher College Dance Newsletter
Date: 12/7/2011
Abstract: Highlights Hannah Kosstrin's work since graduating from Goucher College and includes brief discussion of the dance notation iPad app. Article is on page 7.
URL: http://issuu.com/gouchercollege/docs/dance_nl_f11
Our one percent: Oregon’s National Endowment for the Humanities grants (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Barry Johnson
Publication: Oregon ArtsWatch
Date: 8/3/2011
Abstract: Grant announcement for institutions that received NEH grants in Oregon.
URL: http://www.orartswatch.org/our-one-percent-oregons-national-endowment-for-the-humanities-grants/
Dance of the Pixel: Reed prof leaps into terpsichorean technology, iPad in hand (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Romel Hernandez
Publication: Reed Magazine
Date: 12/1/2013
URL: http://www.reed.edu/reed_magazine/december2013/articles/features/kosstrin.html