The Scholar's Dashboard: Creating a multidisciplinary tool via design and build workshops (OhioLINK)
FAIN: HD-51538-12
Wright State University (Dayton, OH 45435-0001)
John Magill (Project Director: October 2011 to October 2012)
Gwen Evans (Project Director: October 2012 to June 2014)
A series of three two-day workshops that will bring together collaborative teams of scholars, librarians, and technologists to identify and design a range of potential tools and features to augment use of the digitized cultural heritage materials within the OhioLINK Digital Resource Commons.
The Scholar's Dashboard project is a series of three two-day design and build workshops, teaming humanities scholars, librarians, and technologists in innovative application development to optimize use of humanities collections from the OhioLINK Digital Resource Commons (DRC). The DRC is a 500,000 item open access collection from Ohio academic and cultural heritage organizations. Dashboard users will select and combine collections, add descriptions and metadata, and re-visualize and re-present information. DRC collections with relevant information (oral histories, narratives, records, documents, images, e.g.) will form the design base. Design and build workshops allow researchers and scholars to specify features needed to rapidly expand DRC functionality. This model will then be used as a magnet for further digital humanities collections, as scholars, librarians, and archivists contribute collections in order to benefit from the Scholar's Dashboard design and capabilities.
Associated Products
Scholar's Dashboard (Web Resource)Title: Scholar's Dashboard
Author: Andy Schocket
Abstract: Welcome
The Scholars’ Dashboard project was a series of three two-day workshops, teaming humanities scholars, librarians, and technologists in innovative application development to optimize use of humanities collections from the OhioLINK Digital Resource Commons (DRC). The DRC was a 500,000 item open access collection from Ohio academic and cultural heritage organizations. Workshops allowed researchers and scholars to specify features needed to rapidly expand DRC functionality. This model will then be used as a magnet for further digital humanities collections, as scholars, librarians, and archivists contribute collections in order to benefit from the Scholars’ Dashboard design and capabilities.
The workshop produced technical requirements for a Scholar’s Dashboard. These should be considered for any online digital humanities repository.
Year: 2014
Primary URL: URL Description: Scholar's Dashboard Website
“What Do Users Want: A Discussion” (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: “What Do Users Want: A Discussion”
Abstract: Theme: “What Do Users Want: A Discussion”
Speaker: Andrew Schocket, director, American Culture Studies, assoc. professor of history and American
culture studies, Bowling Green State University.
Schocket will report on results gathered from the Scholars’ Dashboard project--a series of three workshops, teaming humanities scholars, librarians, and technologists in innovative application development to optimize use of humanities collections. The workshop produced technical requirements for a Scholars’ Dashboard which might be considered for any online digital humanities repository.
The second half of the presentation session will allow attendees to discuss their own experiences in reaching out to user communities to solicit feedback, how that data has been used to guide digital programs, and what opportunities remain to learn more about how we can better serve our users.
Author: Andy Schocket
Date: 11/19/14
Location: Ohio History Center, 3rd floor, 800 E. 17th Ave. Columbus, OH
Primary URL: URL Description: Notes from OhioDIG Meeting
The Scholar's Dashboard: Building Digital Tools to Answer Humanistic Questions (Public Lecture or Presentation)Title: The Scholar's Dashboard: Building Digital Tools to Answer Humanistic Questions
Abstract: Video at Big Data Day @ Bowling Green University, available on iTunes U.
Author: Andy Schocket
Date: 1/25/2013
Location: Bowling Green State University
Primary URL: URL Description: iTunes U Video, Professor Andy Schocket