Tools & Concepts for Safeguarding & Researching Born-Digital Culture
FAIN: HG-229308-15
Rhizome (New York, NY 10002-1218)
Dragan Espenschied (Project Director: September 2014 to October 2017)
The creation of workflows and tools supporting the preservation of born-digital art, using the collections of four different institutions in the US and Germany as their test case. The University of Freiburg is requesting 128,000€ from DFG.
This project will develop novel tools, processes and workflows to preserve complex born-digital works of digital art and networked literature, using an emulation-based approach and addressing wider issues in humanities research (in particular, citation and defining object boundaries). It works with four leading German/US archives of art and literature -- Rhizome, DLA Marbach, Vilem Flusser Archive and Yale University Library -- and builds on University of Freiburg’ s Emulation-as-a-Service, developed as a result of the bwFLA project.
Associated Products
Exhibiting Digital Art via Emulation - Boot-to-Emulator with the EMiL Kiosk System (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: Exhibiting Digital Art via Emulation - Boot-to-Emulator with the EMiL Kiosk System
Author: Dragan Espenschied
Author: Oleg Stobbe
Author: Thomas Liebetraut
Author: Klaus Rechert
Abstract: Placeholder
Date: 10/06/2016
Conference Name: 13th International Conference on Digital Preservation
Best Paper
Date: 10/6/2016
Organization: 13th International Conference on Digital Preservation