
Digital Humanities: Digital Humanities Implementation Grants

Period of Performance

9/1/2013 - 8/31/2016

Funding Totals

$319,331.00 (approved)
$319,284.09 (awarded)

Mukurtu Mobile: Empowering Knowledge Circulation Across Cultures

FAIN: HK-50120-13

Washington State University (Pullman, WA 99164-0001)
Kimberly A. Christen (Project Director: January 2013 to February 2017)

The development of Mukurtu Mobile, an open-source mobile platform for collecting and exhibiting indigenous digital cultural heritage.

This project will implement Mukurtu Mobile (, an innovative iPhone application that empowers indigenous communities to collect, share and preserve their cultural and environmental resources. Mukurtu Mobile provides a platform for individuals to bring their own knowledge base to the common concerns of local, traditional and indigenous communities worldwide. With an interface directly to Mukurtu CMS, Mukurtu Mobile will link the power of a robust, culturally responsive CMS to the direct collection of knowledge on-the-ground. Adopted by communities globally, Mukurtu CMS ( was built to address the specific needs of indigenous communities to manage, share and preserve their digital heritage. From citizen archivists to citizen scientists Mukurtu Mobile will enable the connection of local sets of knowledge and data to fuel research hubs and educational environments that unite local communities around global issues such as natural and cultural resource management.