Bilin Oral Narratives
FAIN: HR-50053-04
Paul D. Fallon
Howard University (Washington, DC 20059-0001)
The chief aim of this project will be to collect oral narratives from 8 to 10 speakers of the potentially endangered Bilin language, a Central Cushitic language of Eritrea. Anticipated subject matter includes narratives of personal experiences dealing with the Eritrean War for Independence, life in refugee camps, and adaptation to life in the United States. In addition, the study will also collect narratives and oral expression of Bilin culture, including fables, folklore, customs, and proverbs. The results will be transcribed into the two writing systems in use among the Bilin, and will also include a phonetic transcription, a word-by-word analysis, and translation into English. The results will be organized into thematic units, and an introductory essay will be written for this first book of Bilin narratives.