
Research Programs: Faculty Research Awards

Period of Performance

1/1/2006 - 12/31/2006

Funding Totals

$40,000.00 (approved)
$40,000.00 (awarded)

Sugar Boom in Argentina: A Social and Economic History, 1876-1916

FAIN: HR-50137-05

Patricia Isabel Juarez-Dappe
California State University, Northridge (Northridge, CA 91330-0001)

A National Endowment for the Humanities Faculty Research Award would support the completion of my book manuscript on the sugar boom in Argentina between 1876 and 1916. I use quantitative and qualitative sources to provide a comprehensive analysis of the changes experienced by Tucumán, Argentina’s main sugar producer, as a result of sugar expansion. My study reveals that the rise of the sugar industry was of great consequence for Tucumán, and its history has implications for the entire country. My study clearly shows that the history of Argentina is unintelligible without reference to regions and provinces beyond Buenos Aires.

Associated Products

When Sugar Ruled. Economy and Society in Northwestern Argentina, Tucuman, 1876-1916 (Book)
Title: When Sugar Ruled. Economy and Society in Northwestern Argentina, Tucuman, 1876-1916
Author: Patricia Juarez-Dappe
Abstract: Two tropical commodities—coffee and sugar—dominated Latin American export economies in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. When Sugar Ruled presents a distinctive case that does not quite fit into the pattern of many Latin American sugar economies. Tucumán’s sugar industry catered exclusively to the needs of the expanding national market and was financed mostly by domestic capital. The expansion of sugar production did not produce massive land dispossession as sugar mills relied on outside growers for the supply of a large share of the sugarcane. The arrival of thousands of workers from neighboring provinces transformed rural society profoundly. As the most dynamic sector in Tucumán’s economy, revenues from sugar enabled the provincial government to participate in the modernizing movement that was sweeping turn-of-the-century Argentina. When Sugar Ruled uncovers the unique features that characterized sugar production in Tucumán as well as the changes experienced by the province’s economy and society between 1876 and 1916, the period of most dramatic sugar expansion.
Year: 2010
Publisher: Ohio University Press
Type: Single author monograph
ISBN: ISBN-10: 0896