
Research Programs: Faculty Research Awards

Period of Performance

9/1/2005 - 5/31/2006

Funding Totals

$40,000.00 (approved)
$40,000.00 (awarded)

Evolutionary Cosmology and the Naturalism vs.Theism Debate in the Philosophy of Charles S. Peirce

FAIN: HR-50146-05

Bernardo Joaquin Cantens
Barry University, Inc. (Miami, FL 33161-6695)

During the past several years, I have researched and completed several essays describing Charles S. Peirce’s (1839-1914) religious epistemology. The conclusions of my research have shown that Peirce’s philosophy provides original insights into religious epistemological issues, deviating from the prevalent views proffered by contemporary philosophers of religion. The second main area of philosophy of religion is cosmology. In contemporary philosophy of religion there are various contentious, ongoing cosmological debates. The most poignant of these debates is the one over naturalism versus theism. The purpose of this project is to continue my research on Peirce’s philosophy, focusing on his evolutionary cosmology and how it affects the naturalism versus theism debate.