Textual Data and Digital Texts in the Undergraduate Classroom
FAIN: HT-256977-17
Louisiana State University and A&M College (Baton Rouge, LA 70803-0001)
Lauren Coats (Project Director: March 2017 to May 2021)
Emily McGinn (Co Project Director: May 2017 to May 2021)
Participating institutions:
Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, LA) - Applicant/Recipient
Mississippi State University (Mississippi State, MS) - Participating Institution
University of Georgia (Athens, GA) - Participating Institution
A one-week in-person institute hosted at Mississippi State University on approaches to computational textual analysis and how these techniques may be incorporated into the classroom. This institute will be followed by a series of virtual sessions focused on digital pedagogy and the humanities.
While the digital humanities often center on developing long-term research projects, it is the goal of our Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities Institute to bring the tools and methods of the digital humanities directly to the undergraduate classroom. “Textual Data and Digital Texts in the Undergraduate Classroom” aims to expand engagement with and access to digital humanities, particularly at under-resourced institutions, by teaching undergraduate instructors how to incorporate small-scale, data-focused digital projects into their humanities teaching. Our institute will include a one-week in-person session with hands-on instruction in turning text into data, and then analyzing that data and sharing the results. This week will be followed by bimonthly virtual sessions with experts in digital pedagogy. By the end of the institute, participants will have developed a classroom DH project or assignment about textual data.
Associated Products
Digital Texts and Textual Data: A Pedagogical Anthology (Course or Curricular Material)Title: Digital Texts and Textual Data: A Pedagogical Anthology
Author: Lauren Coats
Author: Emily McGinn
Abstract: This collection features pedagogical artifacts created by the participants of the 2018-2019 NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities, “Textual Data and Digital Texts in the Undergraduate Classroom.” The artifacts--assignments, syllabi, sample student work, rubrics, workshops, and more--are grouped thematically in four sections: digital exhibits and narratives, textual analysis, distant reading and data visualization, and data-driven research. Each artifact begins with an overview in which the creator summarizes the artifact type, the intended audience, the time required, and the DH method and tool used, and provides a brief description of the artifact.
Year: 2019
Primary URL:
http://dhlvideo.libs.uga.edu/neh_PDFs/DigitalTextsAndTextualData.pdfAudience: Undergraduate