Workshops on Sustainability for Digital Projects
FAIN: HT-261794-18
University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA 15260-6133)
Alison Langmead (Project Director: March 2018 to May 2021)
Participating institutions:
University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA) - Applicant/Recipient
Brigham Young University (Provo, UT) - Participating Institution
Brown University (Providence, RI) - Participating Institution
Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA) - Participating Institution
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater (Stillwater, OK) - Participating Institution
A series of five workshops for up to 150 participants to explore approaches to long term sustainability of digital humanities projects. The workshops would be hosted at the University of Pittsburgh, Brigham Young University, Brown University, the Georgia Institute of Technology, and Oklahoma State University.
The ongoing sustainability of digital humanities projects is of critical concern to the field. To help increase engagement with sustainability planning, the University of Pittsburgh has developed, with prior support from the NEH, the Socio-Technical Sustainability Roadmap (STSR). The STSR is a structured workshop that guides participants through the practice of creating effective sustainability plans, based on research findings that demonstrate that the needs of a project’s social infrastructure must be addressed alongside the needs of its technological infrastructure in order to successfully sustain digital work over time. We are applying to the NEH ODH IATDH Program to fund a series of five facilitated STSR workshops at regional digital humanities hubs located across the United States. We anticipate reaching 125-150 people in total and are particularly interested in attracting participants who lack access to digital sustainability infrastructures at their home institutions.
Associated Products
Sustaining DH: An NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities (Web Resource)Title: Sustaining DH: An NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities
Author: Alison Langmead
Author: Chelsea Gunn
Author: Aisling Quigley
Abstract: This is the website announcing, and containing logistical information for, the "Sustaining DH" workshops produced for this grant over the 2018-2019 Academic Year.
Year: 2018
Primary URL: URL Description: This is the website announcing, and containing logistical information for, the "Sustaining DH" workshops produced for this grant over the 2018-2019 Academic Year.
The Socio-Technical Sustainability Roadmap (Web Resource)Title: The Socio-Technical Sustainability Roadmap
Author: Langmead, Alison
Author: Gunn, Chelsea
Author: Quigley, Aisling
Abstract: The website for the Socio-Technical Sustainability Roadmap.
Year: 2019
Primary URL: