
Digital Humanities: Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities

Period of Performance

10/1/2019 - 9/30/2020

Funding Totals

$129,102.00 (approved)
$114,377.35 (awarded)

Understanding Digital Culture: Humanist Lenses for Internet Research

FAIN: HT-267268-19

University of Central Florida Board of Trustees (Orlando, FL 32816-8005)
Anastasia Salter (Project Director: March 2019 to May 2021)

A five-day institute for twenty-five participants organized by and hosted at the University of Central Florida for using digital methods to research digital culture.

There has been growing awareness of the need for humanist inquiry into the internet platforms and communities driving contemporary culture. From fan communities and discourse about works of literature to meme-makers skewering cultural objects, online spaces enable readership, creation, circulation, and transformation of humanist texts—and the active making and remaking of public history. However, much internet research is driven by computational approaches without also being rigorously grounded in theories of culture and textual production. Navigating this space can be particularly daunting to early-career humanities scholars. This is where we seek to intervene. Understanding Digital Culture: Humanist Lenses for Internet Research will foster a transdisciplinary humanities institute to provide resources, training, and a community of collaborators to engage both computational network and data analysis tools and the ethics and best practices of using the web as a site of research.

Associated Products

Understanding Digital Culture: Humanities Commons Edition (Web Resource)
Title: Understanding Digital Culture: Humanities Commons Edition
Author: Anastasia Salter
Author: Mel Stanfill
Abstract: Understanding Digital Culture: Humanist Lenses for Internet Research, a transdisciplinary NEH-funded Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities Institute hosted by the University of Central Florida, was held June 1-5, 2020 virtually due to COVID-19. Understanding Digital Culture provided resources, training, and a community of collaborators to engage both computational network and data analysis tools and the ethics and best practices of using the web as a site of research. This course is the open-access version of materials from the live institute.
Year: 2020
Primary URL: