Digital Humanities Research Institutes: Further Expanding Communities of Practice
FAIN: HT-267293-19
CUNY Research Foundation, Graduate School and University Center (New York, NY 10016-4309)
Lisa M. Rhody (Project Director: March 2019 to present)
A ten-day residential institute and follow-up activities for 15 participants to develop core humanities computational research and project development skills hosted at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.
A ten-day residential institute and follow-up activities for 15 participants to develop core humanities computational research and project development skills. The in-person institute will be hosted at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York with follow up workshops offered through online webinars.
Associated Products
The Digital Humanities Research Institute Curriculum (Web Resource)Title: The Digital Humanities Research Institute Curriculum
Author: Lisa Rhody
Author: Kalle Westerling
Author: Di Yoong
Author: Param Ajmera
Author: Filipa Calado
Author: Olivia Ildefonso
Author: Connor French
Author: Stefano Morello
Author: Rafael Portela Davis
Abstract: The Digital Humanities Research Institute (DHRI) curriculum features workshops, tutorials, glossaries, resources, reading materials, and more that have been developed at The Graduate Center, City Univerity of New York since 2016. Part of a 2019 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Office of Digital Humanities (ODH), DHRI's curriculum, which was originally developed for in-person workshops, was revised in Summer 2020 to better meet the needs of virtual instruction due to the covid-19 pandemic. While the curriculum has always been available openly on GitHub, this site creates a more user-friendly and functional interface that is open and free for public use.
The DHRI curriculum focuses on technical skills and concepts upon which additional technologies and tools rely. We call these foundational skills. Approximately one-third of all workshops at the Institute could be described as foundational: they introduce concepts such as the command line, version control & data collaboration, data literacy, and an introduction to programming with Python. The materials and workshops on this site are designed for users who are either unfamiliar with technology or could simply benefit from filling in gaps in their knowledge. Workshops and tutorials here encourage the use of open source technologies making them accessible to the widest possible audiences. We believe our emphasis on foundational skills demonstrates our commitment to empowering humanities researchers to become confident self-teachers and mentors in their own right who can make informed decisions about their research materials and methods that will lead to successful, sustainable, and long-term research goals.
Read more about our philosophy on the DHRI website.
Year: 2020
Primary URL:
http://curriculum.dhinstitutes.orgDigital Humanities Research Institute Curriculum (Web Resource)Title: Digital Humanities Research Institute Curriculum
Author: Lisa Rhody
Author: Stephen Zweibel
Author: Kalle Westerling
Author: Zachary Lloyd
Author: GC Digital Fellows
Author: Leanne Fan
Abstract: This is a prototype for the NEH-funded project DHRIFT, which is based on the DHRI Curriculum web application developed by Kalle Westerling and Lisa Rhody. This prototype has taken the place of the site, as the previous iteration became too fragile after rapid development. The new app (currently under development) is based on the Django design, but will offer easier portability, zero-cost hosting, and editability.
Year: 2023
Primary URL: URL Description: Demo site for the Digital Humanities Research Institute curriculum hosted on DHRIFT, currently under development.
Secondary URL:
http://dhrift.orgSecondary URL Description: This site is not yet ready for public release, but it will be the informational site to accompany the DHRIFT platform and DHRI sample curriculum.
Digital Humanities Research Institute curriculum (Web Resource)Title: Digital Humanities Research Institute curriculum
Author: Lisa Rhody
Author: Kalle Westerling
Author: Stephen Zweibel
Author: Zachary Lloyd
Author: Leanne Fan
Author: GC Digital Fellows 2018-2023
Abstract: The Digital Humanities Research Institute (DHRI) curriculum was converted to an online resource in 2020 that used a Django application to produce a dynamic, responsive platform for publishing workshop content. The site remained active for two years; however, we have since received NEH funding to rebuild the workshop publishing app to be more robust, to include no costs for hosting, and to allow for interactive workshop content. The previous site has been decommissioned, and this site is the prototype for the new version currently under development.
Year: 2023
Primary URL: URL Description: The DHRIFT demo site which currently hosts the DHRI curriculum developed during the Digital Humanities Research Institutes: Further Expanding Communities of Practice.
Secondary URL: URL Description: This is the GitHub repository that houses the curricular modules that were used during the 2021 DHRI. Workshops have since been moved and are currently updated inside the DHRIFT repository.
Expanding Communities of Practice through DH Andragogy (Book Section)Title: Expanding Communities of Practice through DH Andragogy
Author: Lisa Marie Rhody
Author: Kalle Westerling
Editor: Brian Croxall
Editor: Diane K. Jakacki
Abstract: This chapter uses the term "andragogy"--adult learning--to discuss pedagogical approaches effective for expanding DH community through local workshops and professional development institutes. We demonstrate how DH workshops can serve as liberatory learning experiences for humanities practitioners often in the margins of the academy, recognizing their unique contributions and celebrating the ways that the reshape and extend DH practice.
Year: 2023
Primary URL: URL Description: This is the link to the University of Minnesota's page for the book What We Teach When We Teach DH edited by Brian Croxall and Diane K. Jakacki.
Access Model: Open after 6 monhts
Publisher: University of Minnesota Press
Book Title: What We Teach When We Teach DH
ISBN: 978-1-5179-153