
Digital Humanities: Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities

Period of Performance

7/1/2009 - 6/30/2011

Funding Totals

$196,000.00 (approved)
$196,000.00 (awarded)

Advanced Topics in TEI Encoding

FAIN: HT-50006-08

Brown University (Providence, RI 02912-9100)
Julia Hammond Flanders (Project Director: April 2008 to February 2012)

A series of workshops for humanities faculty and graduate students to explore advanced uses of digital text encoding as an essential method in humanities scholarship.

This project offers a series of nine advanced 3-day and 4-day institutes in text encoding for scholarly humanities projects with TEI. Aimed at an audience with a working knowledge of the TEI Guidelines, these institutes provide an intensive environment for more advanced project development, including schema customization, encoding strategy, and documentation. The institutes will focus on three topics of particular interest to scholars working on digital humanities projects: the encoding of manuscripts, the representation of contextual information, and the development of large thematic research collections.