
Digital Humanities: Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities

Period of Performance

3/1/2012 - 2/28/2016

Funding Totals

$249,974.00 (approved)
$249,973.14 (awarded)

Taking TEI Further: Teaching and Publication

FAIN: HT-50043-11

Northeastern University (Boston, MA 02115-5005)
Julia Hammond Flanders (Project Director: February 2011 to October 2016)

A series of workshops to be held at Brown University for humanities faculty, related staff, and graduate students to explore advanced uses of digital text encoding for use in humanities scholarship and teaching.

This three-year institute series will offer an opportunity for advanced exploration and training in three areas of critical importance to scholarly users of the TEI Guidelines. Building on two previous seminar series, we will offer advanced three-day institutes on TEI customization, XSLT for digital humanists, and bringing text encoding into the digital humanities classroom. These seminars will be aimed at an audience of faculty, archivists, librarians, and digital humanists who have had some experience with TEI and need grounding in more advanced tools, systems, and approaches. Each seminar will emphasize discussion, hands-on practice, and close attention to the specifics of participants' own projects. The seminars will be led by the WWP staff, who are internationally recognized as experts in TEI encoding, project design, and digital humanities, together with guest instructors with expertise in specific domains appropriate to each seminar.