
Digital Humanities: Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities

Period of Performance

9/1/2014 - 12/31/2015

Funding Totals

$88,778.00 (approved)
$87,435.55 (awarded)

An Institute for Community College Digital Humanists: Beyond Pockets of Innovation, Toward a Community of Practice

FAIN: HT-50085-14

Lane Community College (Eugene, OR 97405-0640)
Anne McGrail (Project Director: March 2014 to June 2016)

A 5-day institute for 25 community college faculty members, to be hosted by Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon, on new digital methods, tools and practices for humanities teaching and scholarship.

Community college humanists have been slow to join communities of practice in digital humanities (DH), in part due to intensive teaching/ service workloads in an open-access context which puts constraints on professional development. To address this lag, Lane's July 13-17, 2015 institute will teach faculty DH theory and methods, build DH tools and projects, and scaffold these for their students' unique learning needs, with the result of expanding the definition of digital humanities practice to include the work of community college teachers, scholars and students. 25 participants will create a portfolio of project prototypes in data visualization, geospatial mapping, crowdsourcing, and digital storytelling, et al, emerging with a firm grounding in the complexity of DH and its applicability to their courses. A public keynote address will welcome the community into the conversation and participants’ work will be shared in an online commons that will serve as a hub for a community of practice.

Associated Products

Digital Humanities at Community Colleges (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Digital Humanities at Community Colleges
Author: Anne McGrail
Abstract: This presentation will gather several faculty from Pacific Northwest Community Colleges who participated in the NEH institute in Summer 2015. We will share our work since the institute.
Date: 11/02/2016
Conference Name: Community College Humanities Association Pacific Northwest