
Public Programs: Small Grants to Libraries: John Adams Unbound

Period of Performance

11/1/2008 - 12/31/2012

Funding Totals

$2,500.00 (approved)
$2,500.00 (awarded)

John Adams Unbound: A Traveling Exhibition to Libraries

FAIN: LS-50140-08

Colorado State University-Pueblo (Pueblo, CO 81001-4901)
Karen Pardue (Project Director: April 2008 to October 2008)
Julie Fronmueller (Project Director: October 2008 to present)

"John Adams Unbound" is a traveling exhibition based upon a larger exhibition of the same name developed by the Boston Public Library. The exhibition uses the lens of John Adams's personal library of 3,500 volumes-deposited in the Boston Public Library in 1894- to reveal and examine for a national audience how the intellectual content and historical context of Adam's reading reflected, shaped and informed his world and revolutionary views. The story told in the exhibition is that of a great man committed to a lifelong scholarly humanistic endeavor that profoundly influenced his beliefs and actions. The exhibition travels to 20 public and academic libraries; a planning seminar for librarians and related educational materials support the tour.