Islamic West Africa's Legacy of Literacy and Music to America and the World
FAIN: MB-50010-10
Tougaloo College (Tougaloo, MS 39174-9700)
Loye Ashton (Project Director: June 2010 to June 2016)
Planning and implementation of a two-day public forum and subsequent workshop analyzing the literary history of Islamic West Africa and the Muslim roots of American blues music. The project builds on a 2006 exhibition, The Legacy of Timbuktu, organized by the International Museum of Muslim Cultures.
This proposal is for the planning and implementation of a program consisting of a forum and workshop on the "Muslim World and the Humanities" theme. Tougaloo and IMMC will capitalize on their long term relationship. Tougaloo will be responsible for the institutional management of the Project as well as the facilities and academic oversight. Two themes have been selected for this Project: a) "Islamic West Africa and Literacy"; and b) "American Blues music and Muslim roots". Planning and implementation phases of the Project will begin immediately upon award notification. The Project steering team will begin planning for the forum and the workshop. They are tentatively scheduled for February 18, 19 and 20, 2011 and will be hosted by Tougaloo College. The exhibition tour and reception will be hosted at IMMC.