
Public Programs: Digital Projects for the Public: Discovery Grants

Period of Performance

1/1/2018 - 12/31/2018

Funding Totals

$30,000.00 (approved)
$30,000.00 (awarded)

The Animated Atlas of California Farming History

FAIN: MD-258819-18

California Institute for Rural Studies (Davis, CA 95617-1047)
Ildi Carlisle-Cummins (Project Director: June 2017 to June 2024)

Development of an interactive, multimedia atlas exploring the people, places, and events that shaped key moments in California agriculture.

The Animated Atlas of California Farming History will encourage public thought and dialogue around key historical moments in the development of an industry that has shaped the way America—and the world—eats. The atlas will create a series of online maps that deepen user engagement with an existing set of stories that dig into what may seem like a straightforward subject to uncover often surprising tales of human triumph, loss, ingenuity, abuse and connection. Discovery funding will focus a broad group of scholars on: 1) selecting the best digital platform, 2) designing an engaging user interface, 3) exploring the feasibility of illustrating “alternative” histories using digital mapping programs and 4) identifying digital team members who will build a prototype atlas. Our digital project team will craft a design plan for producing maps that reveal how stories affected the California landscape and spark vibrant public discussion about how that landscape might have looked differently.