
Public Programs: Digital Projects for the Public: Discovery Grants

Period of Performance

1/1/2019 - 2/29/2020

Funding Totals

$30,000.00 (approved)
$25,644.74 (awarded)

'This Ain’t No Lunch Bucket Town': The Evolution of Urban Identity in Boise, Idaho

FAIN: MD-263921-19

Boise State University (Boise, ID 83725-0001)
Jennifer Stevens (Project Director: June 2018 to June 2022)

Development of an interactive website and signage at ten sites in Boise, Idaho, to examine the impact of deindustrialization on the city.

“’This Ain’t No Lunch Bucket Town’: The Evolution of Urban Identity in Boise, Idaho” will explore deindustrialization in Boise, Idaho and its impact on equitable development. Studying this small western city offers a new perspective on the influence of deindustrialization where most humanities conversations favor Rust Belt and east coast cities. The project examines how the demolition of Boise’s industrial sites and their displaced communities contributed to the rise of the city’s urban green-over, creating a postmodern urban identity focused on the quality of life amenities, including green space, recreation, and public lands. Drawing on a public history framework, our team will assess how this change contributes to the sociological construction of whiteness in this racially homogenous city. We will deploy digital methods to animate former industrial uses, restore the memory of past historic uses, and foster diversity and a sense of place for long-time residents as well as newcomers.