Old Stories, New Voices Intercultural Youth Program Expansion
FAIN: MI-50059-07
History Colorado (Denver, CO 80203-2109)
Bobbe Hultin (Project Director: January 2007 to December 2010)
Implementation of a three-year program of weeklong summer camps to be held in Texas, Pennsylvania, Colorado, and Nebraska for at-risk youth, exploring the United States and the Civil War history.
The Colorado Historical Society is seeking a three-year implementation grant under the We the People Initiative to expand and enhance its award-winning intercultural week-long, summer residential youth camp, and year-long programs, for youth 9-12. The program offers to at-risk youth an opportunity to live and learn on an historic site and to experience history, historic preservation, and conservation so they can better understand their past and options for the future. They are encouraged to develop historical and cultural awareness as well as interpersonal skills. Colorado, Texas, Pennsylvania and Nebraska have been identified as the states to host the enhanced Old Stories program the first year; the second year will feature pilot Civil War immersion programs at each of the same sites; and the third year of the grant will culminate with a bus tour of Civil War sites beginning at Glorietta Pass, NM and ending at Gettysburg, PA. for selected participants from each state.