
Public Programs: NEH on the Road

Period of Performance

12/1/2010 - 5/31/2011

Funding Totals

$1,000.00 (approved)
$1,000.00 (awarded)

NEH on the Road: Our Lives, Our Stories

FAIN: MR-50105-11

Park City Museum (Park City, UT 84060-5153)
Wendy Ashton (Project Director: September 2010 to January 2014)

Ancillary public humanities programs to accompany the NEH on the Road: Our Lives, Our Stories traveling exhibition.

Create humanities programs supplementing the exhibition "Our Lives, Our Stories: Americas Greatest Generation" for tourist and local audiences. Programs may include oral history, lectures and panel discussions that connect our audience to Park City stories. These regular and informal gatherings will be designed to appeal to those who experienced the town's recent history and newcomers wishing to learn more and connect to the community. One possible local theme - paralleling the Greatest Generations uncanny level of civic engagement post WWII -- is the towns generation of hippies and ski bumps who created a booming ski town and became the influential figures in Park City today.