
Public Programs: NEH on the Road

Period of Performance

6/1/2013 - 9/30/2013

Funding Totals

$1,000.00 (approved)
$1,000.00 (awarded)

NEH on the Road: Our Lives, Our Stories

FAIN: MR-50173-13

Willa Cather Society (Red Cloud, NE 68970-2466)
Leslie C. Levy (Project Director: January 2013 to April 2022)

The Willa Cather Foundation respectfully requests a grant of $1,000 to help support the cost of public humanities programming when it hosts the _Our Lives, Our Stories: America's Greatest Generation_ Exhibit. We plan to explore how author Willa Cather used the greatest generation in her work and how she viewed events of that era. We also hope to explore the significant role that Nebraskans played in WWII and how the culture of that era is different from our culture today. We hope that younger generations will learn about the sacrifice and dedication that millions of Americans made in the past and how that relates to the freedom that they enjoy today. In combination with the exhibit, we will show documentaries and movies with a facilitated discussion after. We will host a music event featuring "big band" era music and have a humanities scholar give a per-performance talk on the importance of music and popular culture during the era of the greatest generation.