
Preservation and Access: Preservation/Access Projects

Period of Performance

1/1/2006 - 12/31/2006

Funding Totals

$4,857.00 (approved)
$4,857.00 (awarded)

Archival Preservation Training and Storage Environment Monitoring Project

FAIN: PA-51660-06

John Wesley Powell River History Museum (Green River, UT 84525-0620)
JoAnn Chandler (Project Director: May 2005 to June 2007)

Training and the purchase of supplies and an environmental monitor to improve the storage and handling of the museum's archives and photographs depicting the history of settlement in Green River, Utah, since the 1870s.

The John Wesley Powell River History Museum will use the grant funds to hire a conservator to implement a storage and environmental improvement project for the archives housed in the JWP Museum. The assistance of a professional conservator is required to: 1) aid in the development of a Long Range Conservation Plan, 2) train staff and volunteers in proper handling, cataloging, and storage of archives, 3) recommend storage furniture and supplies, and 4) implement proper housing techniques. Grant funds will also be used to upgrade the archives room and properly house the current collection of maps, photographs, diaries, journals, and newspapers.