Developing an Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan
FAIN: PA-51713-06
Schwenkfelder Library and Heritage Center (Pennsburg, PA 18073-1832)
David Wilson Luz (Project Director: May 2005 to February 2007)
The development of an emergency preparedness and response plan to safeguard print and artifact collections that document the history of Germans in Pennsylvania.
The Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center (SLHC) is seeking funding for the development of an emergency preparedness and response plan. The funding will allow SLHC to contract with a consultant from the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA). The Planning process will consist of a series of site visits, meetings, and telephone consultations, based on a mutually agreed upon schedule. CCAHA will provide guidance, assessment tools, and technical information to assist in the completion of the specially tailored emergency preparedness and response plan.