
Preservation and Access: Preservation/Access Projects

Period of Performance

1/1/2006 - 12/31/2007

Funding Totals

$185,056.00 (approved)
$185,056.00 (awarded)

Graduate Instruction in Conservation

FAIN: PA-51881-06

New York University (New York, NY 10012-1019)
Michele D'Arcy Marincola (Project Director: July 2005 to April 2008)

Graduate education in the conservation of material culture collections.

The Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University requests funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities of $185,062 to support a two year education and training program, Specialized Instruction in the Technical Study and Conservation of Objects. This program builds on the foundation of the education and training project funded by the NEH in 2002, and is intended for those considering a career in objects conservation or technical art history. It is designed to foster critical thinking, research and treatment skills, collaborative approaches, and a heightened interest in contextual issues. Our request stems from curricular needs arising from the comprehensive review and reorganization of our core curriculum.