
Preservation and Access: Preservation/Access Projects

Period of Performance

7/1/2006 - 6/30/2009

Funding Totals

$330,619.00 (approved)
$330,619.00 (awarded)

Processing the St. Louis Circuit Court Records, 1866-1868

FAIN: PA-51922-06

Missouri State Archives (Jefferson City, MO 65101-1592)
Kenneth Hugh Winn (Project Director: July 2005 to July 2007)
Shelly J. Croteau (Project Director: July 2007 to March 2008)
John Dougan (Project Director: March 2008 to October 2009)

The arrangement, description, and creation of an online finding aid and a searchable index for St. Louis Court civil cases from 1866 to 1868.

The Missouri State Archives seeks to arrange, index and describe St. Louis Circuit Court civil cases that date from 1866 to 1868. This collection consists of 11,380 individual case files (227,600 leaves) totaling 71 cubic feet. The Archives requests NEH support in the amount of $330,619 to fund the salaries and benefits of four project archivists to help us accomplish this objective. During the project period July 1, 2006, through June 30, 2008, project staff will (1) process 11,380 civil cases; (2) provide conservation treatment for 2,276 project documents having high intrinsic and artifactual value; and (3) create a descriptive finding aid, MARC catalog record, and a key-word searchable index with individual records for each case file.

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Title: NEH Grant Leads to Discovery of Steamboat Records
Author: Patricia Barge
Abstract: The State Archives has released over 11,000 St. Louis circuit court case files (1866-1868) for public use, including an Access database for use on site. The litigation includes the greater Missouri, Mississippi, and Ohio River watersheds and hundreds of watercraft.
Year: 2009
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Friends of the Missouri State Archives news and information.
Secondary URL: none
Secondary URL Description: none
Access Model: open
Format: Magazine
Periodical Title: Missouri State Archives, Where History Begins
Publisher: Friends of the Missouri State Archives

Civil War Records from the St. Louis Circuit Court (Web Resource)
Title: Civil War Records from the St. Louis Circuit Court
Author: Missouri State Archives
Abstract: A general overview of the conservation, archival work, and public access for over 11,000 case files; topics range from 1860s Civil War-era economic and social issues to the commerce of slavery; litigation among former slaves and freedmen; military and private citizen difficulties; business history throughout the Missouri, Mississippi, and Ohio River Valleys, especially steamboat commerce.
Year: 2009
Primary URL: