
Preservation and Access: Cooperative Agreements and Special Projects (P&A)

Period of Performance

12/1/2017 - 10/31/2019

Funding Totals

$30,000.00 (approved)
$29,998.45 (awarded)

NEH Chairman's Emergency Grant for the General Library at the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez

FAIN: PB-260678-18

University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (Mayaguez, PR 00680-6475)
Jaquelina E. Alvarez (Project Director: November 2017 to March 2021)

Hiring a collections care specialist to train staff; purchasing environmental dataloggers, dehumidifiers, and rehousing and handling supplies to stabilize collections and storage environments; and training and hiring students to rehouse collection items affected by the hurricane

The General Library of the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus (UPRM) houses the majority of the campus library resources.  Although the building structure survived the wind gusts of Hurricane Maria, several skylights were blown away, and roof damage produced significant destruction and flooding on all floors.  Several irreplaceable collections were affected and require special and immediate attention.  Funding from this grant would be used to acquire minor equipment such as dehumidifiers and specialized cleaning materials necessary to control the temperature and humidity in the building.  It would also help provide for an expert in collections care who would evaluate the conditions of the specialized resources and report on the best treatment.  In addition, it would offer a workshop open to other colleagues working in libraries, archives, and museums.  This project would provide the materials, equipment, and organization for the described activities.  

Media Coverage

University of Illinois librarian to help Puerto Rican libraries with disaster recovery (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Jodi Heckel
Publication: Illinois News Bureau
Date: 12/21/2017
Abstract: Miriam Centeno, the Collections Care Coordinator for the U. of I. Library, will spend two weeks in January in Puerto Rico helping librarians assess and repair damage to their collections, thanks to NEH support to UPRM Library.

Bibliotecas de la UPR se capacitan para enfrentar desastres naturales (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Maria Andrea Arbeláez
Publication: Diálogo UPRM
Date: 1/22/2018
Abstract: UPRM’s Library successfully solicited a grant to the NEH to help them and other cultural institutions in Puerto Rico to train their staff in disaster preparedness and asses their damage. The assisting professionals also received donated kits from the ALA and the Gaylord Company with protective gear and information.

How three librarians began to rebuild in a “New Puerto Rico” (Media Coverage)
Publication: Smile Politely
Date: 1/31/2018
Abstract: Two campus librarians from UPRM with Miriam Centeno from UIUC, started an island-wide effort to restore, preserve, and strengthen cultural institutions in Puerto Rico. What originally started as a one-time training at UPRM, grew into three conferences held at different points in the island, impacting all kinds of cultural institutions with support of NEH.

Preservation Challenges in Puerto Rico (Media Coverage)
Publication: American Libraries Magazine
Date: 2/1/2018
Abstract: In the side column, Miriam Centeno explains how she connected with UPRM library staff after the hurricane, applied for NEH grant and the impact the training she performed had on the Island.

Preservación y preparación ante desastres (Media Coverage)
Publication: Prensa UPRM
Date: 2/2/2018
Abstract: The UPRM’s General Library solicited and successfully achieved an emergency grant given by the NEH to buy the materials necessary to clean and preserve the collections and train their staff in collections care and preventative methods. This effort extended to the rest of the island to public and private cultural institutions.

Orientan sobre cómo preserver colecciones en el RUM (Media Coverage)
Publication: Prensa UPRM - YouTube Channel
Date: 3/4/2019
Abstract: With the purpose to train their staff in collection care in the face of a disaster, the UPRM’s General Library solicited the NEH an emergency grant that facilitated training and materials allocated to preserving their collections.

UI expert helping Puerto Rico libraries assess, repair hurricane damage (Media Coverage)
Publication: The News-Gazette
Date: 5/1/2018
Abstract: Miriam Centeno provided consultation to UPRM’s Library to improve preservations and disaster preparedness activities thanks to a grant awarded by NEH.

La Biblioteca continúa su jornada de preparación (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Ídem Osorio De Jesús
Publication: Prensa UPRM
Date: 3/12/2020
Abstract: Miriam Centeno's Interview about her third visit at the UPRM campus.

Associated Products

Colecciones en tiempos de emergencia: ¿Cómo actuar?: Introducción [Collections in times of emergency: How to act ?: Introduction] (Web Resource)
Title: Colecciones en tiempos de emergencia: ¿Cómo actuar?: Introducción [Collections in times of emergency: How to act ?: Introduction]
Author: Ayala Gonzalez, Hilda
Abstract: Contains informational materials and aids available for educational and cultural institutions that experience threats following Hurricane Maria [Contiene material informativo y ayudas disponibles para instituciones educativas y culturales que experimentan amenazas tras el paso del huracán Maria]
Year: 2017
Primary URL:

Puerto Rico's libraries, archives and museums road to recovery: A timeline of events after Hurricane Maria (Web Resource)
Title: Puerto Rico's libraries, archives and museums road to recovery: A timeline of events after Hurricane Maria
Author: Hilda Teresa Ayala-González
Abstract: This project compiles the available resources related to the impact and recovery process of libraries, archives, museums and other cultural institutions in Puerto Rico. It is not exhaustive, but, hopefully it will provide enough documentation for future generations to understand part of the recovery events that took place immediately after Hurricane Maria or at least inspire other projects that can help tell a more holistic story.
Year: 2018
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Publication is based on Scalar, developed by the Alliance for Networking Visual Culture for rich-media and long format writing.

Salvaguardando Nuestros Recursos: Muestra de Herramientas y Materiales de Almacenamiento para Colecciones Especiales [Safeguarding Our Resources: Sample Storage Tools and Materials for Special Collections] (Exhibition)
Title: Salvaguardando Nuestros Recursos: Muestra de Herramientas y Materiales de Almacenamiento para Colecciones Especiales [Safeguarding Our Resources: Sample Storage Tools and Materials for Special Collections]
Curator: Jaquelina Alvarez
Curator: Hilda T. Ayala
Abstract: Exhibit Salvaguardando Nuestros Recursos: Muestra de Herramientas y Materiales de Almacenamiento para Colecciones Especiales [Safeguarding Our Resources: Sample Storage Tools and Materials for Special Collections] during Preservation Week 2019 (April 22 - 27, 2019). This exhibit showcased some of the equipment, supplies, and rehousing examples acquired with NEH funding
Year: 2019
Primary URL: status/1121179494189031437

Una respuesta local ante realidades globales: El cuidado de colecciones ante desastres naturales [A local response to global realities: Collection care and natural disasters] (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Una respuesta local ante realidades globales: El cuidado de colecciones ante desastres naturales [A local response to global realities: Collection care and natural disasters]
Author: Mejías Ruiz, K.
Author: Ayala-González, H. T.
Author: Centeno, M.
Author: Irizarry Rivera, K.
Author: Ortiz Méndez, N.
Author: Sepúlveda Maiz, G.
Abstract: En septiembre de 2017, Puerto Rico recibió el impacto de los Huracanes Irma y María, causando gran devastación en todo el Archipiélago. Las repercusiones de dicho evento atmosférico han hecho de la recuperación en las bibliotecas, archivos y museos una lenta y difícil. Además, ha requerido la revisión de las prácticas implementadas hasta la fecha para salvaguardar eficientemente los recursos de los cuales son responsables y asegurar su continuo acceso. Tal es el caso de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Mayagüez, la cual carecía de un programa dedicado al cuidado de colecciones y manejo de desastres antes del acontecimiento. Aunque sufrieron el impacto de los huracanes, gracias a una respuesta rápida, lograron mitigar los daños con prontitud y asegurar fondos de emergencia para adiestrar personal y estabilizar las colecciones impactadas. Además, esta experiencia dio paso a reconocer un nuevo escenario post-Maria, y surge un proyecto novedoso en la institución con el fin de mejorar la capacidad de prevención, mitigación, preparación, respuesta y recuperación. Con el fin de inspirar a otros colegas ante la continua amenaza por desastres naturales en nuestra región, en este cartel, se compartirán las estrategias implementadas para el establecimiento de un programa de preservación, con énfasis en: la formación de un equipo de trabajo con la colaboración y mentoría de expertos, la capacitación del personal, las actividades de monitoreo y control climático, el proceso de evaluación y realmacenamiento de recursos afectados y el desarrollo de un plan de emergencias para colecciones.
Date: 08/29/2019
Primary URL:
Conference Name: Encuentro Latinoamericano de Bibliotecarios, Archivistas y Museólogos (EBAM), San Juan, PR

Haciendo mucho con poco: El desarrollo de destrezas en preservación en profesionales en bibliotecas y archivos de Puerto Rico. [Doing a lot with a little: Developing preservation skills with library and archives professionals in Puerto Rico]. (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Haciendo mucho con poco: El desarrollo de destrezas en preservación en profesionales en bibliotecas y archivos de Puerto Rico. [Doing a lot with a little: Developing preservation skills with library and archives professionals in Puerto Rico].
Abstract: Presentation at the Society of American Archivist Preservation Section’s Twitter Conference for Preservation Week 2019.
Author: Ayala-González, H.T.
Date: 04/24/2019
Location: Twitter Conference
Primary URL:

Estrategias de prevención y mitigación en la Biblioteca General de la UPRM: A un año del Huracán María [Prevention and mitigation strategies at the General Library of UPRM]. (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Estrategias de prevención y mitigación en la Biblioteca General de la UPRM: A un año del Huracán María [Prevention and mitigation strategies at the General Library of UPRM].
Abstract: Presented at 2do Encuentro de Egresados de la EGCTI in Río Piedras Puerto Rico.
Author: Ayala-González, H. T.
Date: 09/28/2018
Location: San Juan, PR

Library preparedness for hurricane season webinar. (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Library preparedness for hurricane season webinar.
Abstract: Presented at the American Library Association’ President Loida Garcia-Febo webinar series.
Author: Ayala-González, H.T.
Date: 05/22/2019
Location: Online
Primary URL:

Biblioteca General de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Mayagüez | HENTF (Film/TV/Video Broadcast or Recording)
Title: Biblioteca General de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Mayagüez | HENTF
Writer: FEMA Puerto Rico
Director: FEMA Puerto Rico
Abstract: FEMA interviewed Prof. Hilda T. Ayala-González and highlighted the work carried out at the UPRM Library and this project’s accomplishments on a video posted on their Facebook page.
Year: 2019
Primary URL:
Format: Web