
Preservation and Access: Grants to Preserve and Create Access to Humanities Collections

Period of Performance

5/1/2007 - 6/30/2010

Funding Totals

$346,117.00 (approved)
$346,117.00 (awarded)

Cataloging and Digitizing a Collection of Near Eastern Manuscripts

FAIN: PC-50055-07

UCLA; Regents of the University of California, Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA 90024-4201)
Stephen Davison (Project Director: July 2006 to August 2013)

The creation of catalog records, metadata, and an Encoded Archival Description finding aid for 1,506 Persian and Arabic manuscripts dating from the 11th through the 19th centuries; 304 manuscripts would be digitized and mounted on the Internet.

UCLA will create metadata, catalog records, and a finding aid for the 1,506 Persian and Arabic manuscripts from the Caro Minasian Collection, a rich repository of Islamic learning containing many unique and rare documents relating to philosophy, law, religious practice, government, language and grammar, history, science, astronomy, and literature. 304 (ca. 55,300 pages) of the most significant manuscripts will be digitized and made available online via the UCLA Digital Library website, and will be available for metadata harvesting by Open Archives Initiative compliant harvesters. Master images and metadata will be archived with the University of California?s Digital Preservation Repository. A search and retrieval system that supports discovery, display, navigation and annotation by users in English, Persian and Arabic will be developed. The project period is May 2007 to April 2009.