
Preservation and Access: Grants to Preserve and Create Access to Humanities Collections

Period of Performance

6/1/2007 - 2/28/2009

Funding Totals

$222,184.00 (approved)
$222,184.00 (awarded)

Russian Émigré Archives Microfilming Project

FAIN: PC-50128-07

Stanford University (Stanford, CA 94305-2004)
John Raisian (Project Director: July 2006 to July 2009)

The preservation microfilming of 120 linear feet of manuscripts related to Russian émigrés and their organizations from 1917 to the 1930s.

This joint project between the Hoover Institution Archives (Stanford University) and Holy Trinity Seminary (Jordanville, NY) is to process and microfilm 245 manuscript boxes of the Seminary's archival material, representing the collections of Russian emigre individuals and organizations. The documentation includes previously unknown materials on the assassination of the Romanov family, the Anti-Bolshevik movement during the Russian civil war (1917-1920) and activities of Anti-Bolshevik veterans organizations in exile, emigre life and cultural activity in various countries (United States, China, Germany), espionage and subversive activity against the USSR in the 1920s and 1930s, collaborationism with the Third Reich during the Second World War, activities of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad. The purpose is to make these materials available to scholars and researchers.