Berkeley Indigenous Language Resources: Access, Archiving, and Documentation
FAIN: PD-50005-07
University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley, CA 94704-5940)
Andrew Garrett (Project Director: January 2007 to May 2012)
Leanne Hinton (Co Project Director: January 2007 to May 2012)
Enchanced description of and access to linguistic materials, including fieldwork notes, manuscripts, and audio recordings that document over 130 endangered American Indian languages.
The University of California, Berkeley, has sponsored language documentation throughout California and the American West since 1901. For the past 55 years this work has largely been undertaken by linguists affiliated with the Survey of California and Other Indian Languages (SCOIL). The products of this research and that of other linguists included field notes, manuscripts, and audio recordings housed in four Berkeley repositories. The Bancroft Library and Hearst Museum of Anthropology hold most of the older records; materials collected since 1952 are housed in SCOIL and the Berkeley Language Center. Together these collections form the largest university archive of Native American language materials and one of the five most important American linguistic archives of any kind. Despite its importance, this material is inconsistently described, making it difficult to locate resources related to a specific interest. With the assistance of a professional archivist--who is also a trained linguist with experience in language documentation--the project's staff would improve the quality and quantity of information in the SCOIL catalog; create metadata records conforming to the Open Language Archiving Community standard to share information across institutions; devise a controlled vocabulary for California languages that relates the designations used by both scholars and Native communities; and develop a Web interface to provide access to full metadata for all SCOIL collections and abbreviated metadata for related resources at other Berkeley repositories, as well as links to digitized SCOIL materials. The project would also support Native American community revitalization and documentation efforts. Access and use policies would be refined, and staff would provide professional and research support to community-based projects.