
Preservation and Access: Preservation and Access Education and Training

Period of Performance

3/1/2020 - 2/28/2023

Funding Totals

$270,752.00 (approved)
$227,520.08 (awarded)

Preparing Alaska's Cultural Organizations for Emergencies

FAIN: PE-268745-20

Alaska Division of Libraries, Archives, and Museums (Juneau, AK 99801-1878)
Anjuli Grantham (Project Director: May 2019 to October 2022)
Mary Irvine (Project Director: October 2022 to July 2023)

Three five-month emergency preparedness training programs located across Alaska and targeting predominantly small, rural, heritage institutions.

This program will guide three cohorts of regional humanities practitioners through a comprehensive emergency preparedness and response training program. Each cohort will take part in a 5 month program that includes two in person workshops and an online course. At the end of the program, participants will have relationships with local and regional first responders and emergency managers, completed a comprehensive written disaster plan, conducted risk assessments at their institutions, and practiced salvaging collections materials damaged by fire, flood, and earthquake. The program is attuned to the realities and needs of small collecting institutions in the remote corners of Alaska and is planned to ensure both the participation and success of humanities practitioners from across the breadth of Alaska, the nation's most disaster prone state.

Associated Products

Preparing Alaska's Cultural Organizations for Emergencies Online Course (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Preparing Alaska's Cultural Organizations for Emergencies Online Course
Author: Cynthia Jones
Author: Anjuli Grantham
Abstract: This 10 module course guides participants through creating a comprehensive emergency management program for their collecting institutions with a strong emphasis on creating written emergency plans.
Year: 2021
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Password protected home page for the PACO course.
Audience: Other

Preparing Alaska's Cultural Organizations for Emergencies Syllabus and Class Plan (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Preparing Alaska's Cultural Organizations for Emergencies Syllabus and Class Plan
Author: Anjuli Grantham
Author: Cynthia Jones
Abstract: This syllabus and class plan contains information about the Preparing Alaska's Cultural Organizations for Emergencies online course, including all asynchronous aspects of the course curriculum.
Year: 2022
Audience: Other