
Preservation and Access: Preservation and Access Education and Training

Period of Performance

3/1/2020 - 2/28/2023

Funding Totals

$25,000.00 (approved)
$25,000.00 (awarded)

Project MUSE: Museum Sabbatical Experience for Faculty Teaching at the Arts-Science Interface

FAIN: PE-268864-20

Newfields (Indianapolis, IN 46208-3326)
Greg Smith (Project Director: May 2019 to October 2023)

Research stipends for four college and university professors who teach classes on the “Chemistry of Art,” to spend summer leave or sabbatical time in the conservation lab at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, working on projects connected to objects in the collection.

The Indianapolis Museum of Art (IMA) proposes a grant from the NEH to continue its established program Project MUSE. Project Muse allows college and university professors who teach courses at the interface of art and science to participate in important research and technical studies of artwork in a modern conservation science laboratory at a major museum during their sabbatical or summer leaves from teaching. The purpose of the experience is to conduct cutting-edge research at the IMA that benefits the Museum's research and conservation efforts and also enters into science curricula around the country leading to increased interest in the arts and sciences among academic faculty and undergraduate students. Intended results include new conservation science curriculum developed for university classes, presentations and publications on new research for the field of conservation science, and inspiring a new generation of scholars interested in entering the field of conservation science.

Associated Products

Literature Discussion: Photochemical Reactions: Copper (II) Carboxylate in Artist Pigments (Web Resource)
Title: Literature Discussion: Photochemical Reactions: Copper (II) Carboxylate in Artist Pigments
Author: Dr. Hilary Eppley
Abstract: The resource is a guided literature discussion focused on copper-based metalloorganic pigments, like verdigris and copper resinate. The resource materials cover the rich chemistry describing their structure, instruments for their identification, and the degradation that is typical of these pigments.
Year: 2021
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Posted on VIPEr, the Virtual Inorganic Pedagogical Electronic Resource, a National Science Foundation-funded interactive repository for teaching materials.

Project MUSE: Museum Sabbatical Experience for Faculty Teaching at the Arts-Science Interface (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Project MUSE: Museum Sabbatical Experience for Faculty Teaching at the Arts-Science Interface
Abstract: Dr. Smith participated in a virtual poster session for the 262nd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition in fall 2021 (Atlanta, GA). Nearly 19,000 people attended the meeting.
Author: Dr. Gregory D. Smith
Date: 08/22/2021
Location: Atlanta, GA
Primary URL:

Project MUSE: Museum Sabbatical Experience for Faculty Teaching at the Arts-Science Interface (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Project MUSE: Museum Sabbatical Experience for Faculty Teaching at the Arts-Science Interface
Abstract: Dr. Smith presented at the Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society about the Project MUSE experience.
Author: Dr. Gregory D. Smith
Date: 10/31/2021
Location: Austin, TX

Scanning MA-XRF Analysis of Mordants in a 19th Century Baluchi Rug (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Scanning MA-XRF Analysis of Mordants in a 19th Century Baluchi Rug
Abstract: Her novel work on inorganic mordant mapping by XRF spectroscopy was presented as a lecture for the Southwest Regional Meeting (SWRM) of the American Chemical Society (ACS) in Austin, Texas, in November 2021.
Author: Dr. Amanda Bowman
Date: 11/1/2021
Location: Austin, TX

2020 ACS Virtual Poster Session (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: 2020 ACS Virtual Poster Session
Author: Dr. Gregory Smith
Abstract: Poster: 2020 ACS Think Like a Molecule Virtual Poster Session Indianapolis, IN. Dr. Smith presented a video poster "Project MUSE: Museum Sabbatical Experiences for Faculty at the Arts-Science Interface" in Indianapolis in 2020. He was the ACS Chair’s Award 1st Place Winner.
Abstract: Poster: 2020 ACS Think Like a Molecule Virtual Poster Session Indianapolis, IN. Dr. Smith presented a video poster "Project MUSE: Museum Sabbatical Experiences for Faculty at the Arts-Science Interface." ACS Chair’s Award 1st Place Winner.
Date: 4/18/2020
Conference Name: Virtual Poster Session at Indiana University’s Bicentennial Celebration


American Chemical Society Chair's Award First Place
Date: 4/18/2020
Organization: American Chemical Society

2023 SUNY University of Binghamton (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: 2023 SUNY University of Binghamton
Author: Dr. Gregory Smith
Abstract: Guest lecturer for Project MUSE Fellow Prof. Hilary Becker’s course “Materials Matter” presenting textile analysis case studies titled "Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue."
Year: 2023
Audience: Undergraduate

2023 Modigliani Up Close Scholars Day and Symposium (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: 2023 Modigliani Up Close Scholars Day and Symposium
Author: Dr. Gregory Smith
Author: Dr. Amanda Bowman
Abstract: Dr. Smith participated in the Scholars Day workshop and presented an invited lecture Technical Analysis of Modigliani’s “The Boy” on January 26-29, 2023 for the public symposium based on research with Project MUSE Fellow Dr. Amanda Bowman.
Date: 1/26/2023

2022 Bruker M6 Workshop (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: 2022 Bruker M6 Workshop
Author: Dr. Gregory Smith
Author: Roxy Sperber
Abstract: Talk: 2022 Bruker M6 Workshop (11/8-11/2022) Dr. Smith co-presented with paintings conservator Roxy Sperber the lecture "Elements of Surprise! MA-XRF as a Standard Examination Technique for Acquisitions, Treatments, and Technical Studies at the Indianapolis Museum of Art" at the Bruker training workshop held at Yale University’s Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage (IPCH). The talk included details of Project MUSE and a focus on Dr. Amanda Bowman’s efforts to install and inaugurate our MA-XRF instrument for the analysis of textiles and Modigliani’s portrait, “The Boy.”
Date: 11/9/2022

2022 Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: 2022 Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society
Author: Dr. Gregory Smith
Abstract: Talk: 2022 Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (11/6-8/2022) Baton Rouge, LA Dr. Smith presented a lecture "Educational Impacts of a Museum Sabbatical Experience for Faculty Teaching at the Arts-Science Interface."
Date: 11/6/2022
Conference Name: American Chemical Society

2020 College of Wooster Lecture (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: 2020 College of Wooster Lecture
Author: Dr. Gregory Smith
Abstract: Dr. Smith presented a chemistry department virtual lecture "Cultural Heritage Chemistry: Science Unravels a Museum Textile Mystery" for 2019 Project MUSE fellow Dr. Sarah Sobeck at the College of Wooster in 2020. The talk featured research conducted by 2018 Project MUSE fellow Dr. Mark Vitha.
Year: 2020
Audience: Undergraduate

CH113: The Chemistry of Art and Art Conservation (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: CH113: The Chemistry of Art and Art Conservation
Author: Dr. Amanda Bowman
Abstract: This course explores the chemical principles underlying the physical properties of art, as well as the application of chemistry to the technical examination and authentication of art/cultural objects. Topics may focus on painted art, textiles, photographs, and other objects. This course includes a laboratory component, with the analysis and creation of actual artworks and art media.
Year: 2022
Audience: Undergraduate

Creation of Museum Studies Minor (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Creation of Museum Studies Minor
Author: Dr. Amanda Bowman
Abstract: Dr. Bowman was invited to help design and implement a new Museum Studies minor for students at Colorado College. She is a faculty advisor for students who choose this path.
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
Audience: Undergraduate

“The Boy.” In Modigliani Up Close. Exhibition catalogue. (Catalog)
Title: “The Boy.” In Modigliani Up Close. Exhibition catalogue.
Author: Dr. Amanda Bowman
Author: Dr. Gregory Smith
Author: Linda Witkowski
Abstract: Publication: Bowman, A.; Smith, G.D.; Witkowski, L. “The Boy.” In Modigliani Up Close. Exhibition catalogue. Eds. Buckley, B; Fraquelli, S.; Ireson, N.; King, A. Philadelphia: The Barnes Foundation in association with Yale University Press, 2023, pp 173-176.
Year: 2023
Catalog Type: Exhibition Catalog
Publisher: The Barnes Foundation in association with Yale University Press

Spectroscopic investigation and dating of a painted wooden Cristo crucificado sculpture (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Spectroscopic investigation and dating of a painted wooden Cristo crucificado sculpture
Author: Dr. Amanda Bowman
Abstract: Spectroscopic investigation and dating of a painted wooden Cristo crucificado sculpture. American Chemical Society Spring Meeting, March 28, 2023, Indianapolis, Amanda Bowman, Adrian Larkspur, and Samantha Ries. Withdrawn due to COVID.
Date: 3/28/2023

Integration of art conservation science in the general chemistry curriculum with a focus on cultural heritage preservation (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Integration of art conservation science in the general chemistry curriculum with a focus on cultural heritage preservation
Author: Dr. Adrian Villalta-Cerdas
Author: Dr. Gregory Smith
Abstract: "Integration of art conservation science in the general chemistry curriculum with a focus on cultural heritage preservation," Southwest Regional Meeting of the ACS (SWRM) 2022, Baton Rouge, LA, November 6 -9, 2022.
Date: 11/6/2022
Conference Name: American Chemical Society

Design of laboratory experiences in art conservation science: a kinetics study of light-induced fading of commercially available fluorescent highlighters (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Design of laboratory experiences in art conservation science: a kinetics study of light-induced fading of commercially available fluorescent highlighters
Author: Dr. Gregory Smith
Author: Dr. Adrian Villalta-Cerdas
Author: Delvin Coleman
Author: Jorge De La Cerda
Abstract: Poster: Design of laboratory experiences in art conservation science: a kinetics study of light-induced fading of commercially available fluorescent highlighters, ACS Spring National Meeting, March 26-30, 2023
Date: 3/26/2023

Design of laboratory experiences in art conservation science: a study of the evaporation behavior of homogeneous azeotropes used to clean paintings at room temperature (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Design of laboratory experiences in art conservation science: a study of the evaporation behavior of homogeneous azeotropes used to clean paintings at room temperature
Author: Dr. Gregory Smith
Author: Dr. Adrian Villalta-Cerdas
Author: Megan Hicks
Author: Jorge De La Cerda
Abstract: Poster: Design of laboratory experiences in art conservation science: a study of the evaporation behavior of homogeneous azeotropes used to clean paintings at room temperature, ACS Spring National Meeting, March 26-30, 2023, Megan Hicks, Jorge De La Cerda, Adrian Villalta-Cerdas, Gregory Dale Smith
Date: 3/26/2023
Conference Name: American Chemical Society

Design of laboratory experiences in art conservation science: electrochemical treatment of metal artifacts for cultural heritage preservation (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Design of laboratory experiences in art conservation science: electrochemical treatment of metal artifacts for cultural heritage preservation
Author: Dr. Gregory Smith
Author: Dr. Adrian Villalta-Cerdas
Author: Megan Hicks
Author: Jorge De La Cerda
Abstract: Poster: Design of laboratory experiences in art conservation science: electrochemical treatment of metal artifacts for cultural heritage preservation, ACS Spring National Meeting, March 26-30, 2023, Jorge De La Cerda*, Megan Hicks*, Adrian Villalta-Cerdas, Gregory Dale Smith
Date: 3/26/2023
Conference Name: American Chemical Society

Bluer than Blue: Defining Pliny’s Egyptian Blues (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Bluer than Blue: Defining Pliny’s Egyptian Blues
Author: Dr. Hilary Becker
Author: Dr. Gregory Smith
Abstract: Dr. Becker and Dr. Smith presented "Bluer than Blue: Defining Pliny’s Egyptian Blues" at the American Chemical Society Spring Meeting on March 28, 2023 in Indianapolis.
Date: 3/28/2023

Experimental archaeology and Egyptian blue: new questions on the oldest synthetic (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Experimental archaeology and Egyptian blue: new questions on the oldest synthetic
Author: Dr. Hilary Becker
Author: Dr. Gregory Smith
Abstract: Dr. Becker and Dr. Smith presented "Experimental archaeology and Egyptian blue: new questions on the oldest synthetic" at Ostia Fest II (Pratt Institute) on April 26.
Date: 4/26/2023
Conference Name: Ostia Fest II

Drake University Lecture (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Drake University Lecture
Author: Dr. Gregory Smith
Abstract: Dr. Smith was invited to lecture by Dr. Mark Vitha and Dr. Maura Lyons, Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Art and Design, respectively, at Drake University (Iowa).
Year: 2021
Audience: Undergraduate

Centre College Lecture (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Centre College Lecture
Author: Dr. Gregory Smith
Abstract: Dr. Smith was invited to lecture by Dr. Jeffrey Fieberg, Chair of Science and Mathematics Division and Professor of Chemistry, at Centre College in Kentucky.
Year: 2020
Audience: Undergraduate

IUPUI Lecture (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: IUPUI Lecture
Author: Dr. Gregory Smith
Abstract: Former MUSE alumnus John Goodpaster, Associate Director of the Forensic and Investigative Sciences Program and Associate Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, asked Dr. Smith to present a lecture on artwork authenticity to his graduate forensic chemistry seminar course.
Year: 2020
Audience: Graduate