
Preservation and Access: Preservation and Access Education and Training

Period of Performance

3/1/2023 - 2/28/2026

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$350,000.00 (approved)
$250,000.00 (awarded)

Fellowships for graduate students in the conservation of cultural heritage and art

FAIN: PE-290097-23

SUNY Research Foundation, Buffalo State College (Buffalo, NY 14222-1004)
Patrick Ravines (Project Director: May 2022 to present)

Partial fellowship stipends for graduate students enrolled in the Buffalo State College, State University of New York (SUNY Buffalo State) program in art conservation. Students to receive funding would include ten in the class of 2024, eight in the class of 2025, and ten in the class of 2026.

The Patricia H. and Richard E. Garman Art Conservation Department at SUNY Buffalo State has been educating conservators for 52 years. The mission of our department has always been to educate future generations of conservators to preserve the wide range of objects that comprise the nation’s cultural heritage. Preservation is a permanent and pressing need of all libraries, museums, archives, and historical societies. Objects of all types and in all collections continue to quietly age, creating a constant need for professional conservators. Conservators ensure the longevity of millions of cultural artifacts and help maintain critical access to collections. We focus on the vital need for conservation education so more can join the field and continue this important work. To address this need, we respectfully request that the NEH provide fellowship support for graduate students attending our program from the Preservation and Access Education and Training Program.