
Preservation and Access: Preservation Assistance Grants

Period of Performance

1/1/2018 - 6/30/2019

Funding Totals

$5,970.00 (approved)
$5,970.00 (awarded)

Phase 3 Developing Storage and Housing Spaces for Humanities Collections

FAIN: PG-258237-18

Good Will-Hinckley (Hinckley, ME 04944-0159)
Deborah W. Staber (Project Director: April 2017 to September 2019)

Hiring a consultant, purchase of shelving and storage supplies, and training for the staff at a historic home that documents the daily life of children in the 19th and 20th centuries.  The Good Will-Hinckley Homes ran childcare centers and orphanages in Maine. Its collections include farming and ice-cutting tools used by the boys and fabric arts and rug-making equipment used by the girls; they show the work skills taught to those under the care of the Good Will centers. A conservator would assist in the design of new storage spaces and train museum staff in collections care. 

The L.C. Bates Museum’s project preservation goal is to improve collection’s care and storage by developing a new storage space and storing significant historical collections. These materials are relevant to the history and study of Good Will Homes, regional heritage and the history of childhood and childcare. To achieve this goal, we propose to work with conservator, Ron Harvey to implement the recommendations of our past conservation assessments by methods outlined in Harvey’s letter of commitment and storage treatment recommendations. This project is a priority of our 2008 RECAP, 2014 MAP and 2013-2017 long range conservation plan. The project is designed to turn an unused room on the museum’s second floor into appropriate storage space for humanities objects, purchase shelving and storage supplies, train staff in storage methods, store the project collections, and present a public workshop on Storage and Management in a Small Museum.

Associated Products

Workshop: Safely Handling, Packaging, & Moving Collections (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: Workshop: Safely Handling, Packaging, & Moving Collections
Abstract: Not a book, but a 9 to 3 one day workshop presented by the project conservator Ron Harvey. The workshop post surveys were positive and Thursday, June 28th, 9:30am-3pm Workshop: Safely Handling, Packaging, & Moving Collections Join master museum conservator Ron Harvey of Tuckerbrook Conservation for this all-day workshop. Learn best practices for handling historic collections without taking years off the life of an artifact! Morning refreshments served, bring a bag lunch. Register at
Author: Ron Harvey
Date: 06/28/2018
Location: L.C.Bates Museum