
Preservation and Access: Preservation Assistance Grants

Period of Performance

2/1/2019 - 3/30/2020

Funding Totals

$5,775.00 (approved)
$5,775.00 (awarded)

Ninepipes Museum of Early Montana Preservation Assessment

FAIN: PG-263532-19

Ninepipes Museum of Early Montana (Charlo, MT 59824-9789)
Amy Webster (Project Director: April 2018 to October 2022)

A preservation assessment and the purchase of preservation supplies to house a  collection of approximately 2,000 artifacts, artworks, photographs, manuscripts, and other items documenting the history of western Montana.  The museum is located on the Flathead Reservation of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribe; about one-third of the collection consists of items illuminating the culture and history of western Montana’s Native peoples. Also included are materials related to settlement of the region by fur traders, missionaries, homesteaders, ranchers, and others.

The Ninepipes Museum of Early Montana is requesting a grant from the NEH Preservation Assistance for Small Institutions program to contract with Pat Roath of Specialty Museum Services, to conduct a general preservation assessment of the institution’s collections. The assessment will address short- and long-term needs of objects both on display and in storage.  Recommendations will be prioritized into a final long-range preservation plan for implementation over the next 5 years. The grant will also fund some storage and monitoring materials to address urgent object care and exhibit concerns and culminate with the opportunity to share findings with museum board and staff, local museums and tribal members.

Media Coverage

Handle with Care (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Rob Chaney
Publication: Missoulian
Date: 4/13/2019
Abstract: The article is an overview of the history of the Ninepipes Museum and the role the Collection Needs Assessment will have in its future direction.
URL: http://

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Collections Needs Assessment for the Ninepipes Museum of Early Montana (Report)
Title: Collections Needs Assessment for the Ninepipes Museum of Early Montana
Author: Pat Roath
Abstract: The Preservation Assessment of Ninepipes Museum of Early Montana intended to build the museum's capacity to care for its collections, thereby preserving history the local Confederated Salish, Kootenai and Pend d'Orielle Tribal Nations and many other Native Nations and peoples represented in the collection. This illuminates relationships among all cultures in the region and a chapter in United States and Tribal Nation history. This also solidifies the museum's mission to conserve the history and cultures of what is now the State of Montana. The recommendations from this report stem directly from site visits conducted in the spring of 2019. The report outlines a long-range prevention conservation plan.
Date: 10/17/2019
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Link to final report document on Ninepipes Museum of Early Montana website. Collection Needs Assessment.
Access Model: Organization's Website, public access