
Preservation and Access: Preservation Assistance Grants

Period of Performance

9/1/2020 - 2/28/2021

Funding Totals

$9,082.00 (approved)
$8,200.00 (awarded)

St. Lawrence University Brush Gallery Preservation Needs Assessment

FAIN: PG-271573-20

St. Lawrence University (Canton, NY 13617-1423)
Catherine Tedford (Project Director: January 2020 to January 2023)

An assessment of preservation needs and development of recommendations for use of building space at the Brush Art Gallery. Within the wide-ranging collection of over 7,000 objects, photography is a particular strength. These images  range from works by American masters to those by amateurs in a series on American G.I.’s and nurses during the Vietnam War. The photography collection was begun by Michael Hoffman, founder of the Aperture Foundation and a graduate of St. Lawrence University.

The Richard F. Brush Art Gallery (Gallery) at St. Lawrence University (SLU) seeks a specialist to provide a Preservation Needs Assessment and Space Specifications Report in order to update previous assessment reports, comply with current best practices, and lay the groundwork for future facilities planning.