Preserving the Goldstein Sisters' Legacy: A General Collections Assessment
FAIN: PG-50018-07
University of Minnesota (Minneapolis, MN 55455-2009)
Lin Nelson-Mayson (Project Director: May 2006 to February 2009)
A general preservation needs assessment of the Goldstein Museum of Design in the College of Design of the University of Minnesota. The museum's collections include 19th- and 20th-century clothing; textiles from Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, South Central Asia, the Far East, and Europe; 20th-century graphic designs; and decorative arts, including ceramics, glass, stone, and porcelain objects, baskets, and pottery.
The Goldstein Museum of Design in the College of Design at the University of Minnesota requests $4,472 to hire a preservation consultant from the Midwest Arts Conservation Center to conduct an overall general collections needs assessment of the museum's collection as the first step in developing a comprehensive plan for improving the environment and storage of this historically and aesthetically significant collection. The consultant will conduct an assessment of the materials in the collection, their storage environment, storage furniture, safety considerations, staff training, and use. The resulting overall general collections needs assessment will provide recommendations and priorities for preservation and conservation action, both immediate and long-term. It will also facilitate developing a long-range conservation and preservation plan and serve as a fund-raising tool for future conservation projects.