
Preservation and Access: Preservation Assistance Grants

Period of Performance

3/1/2007 - 4/30/2009

Funding Totals

$4,070.00 (approved)
$4,070.00 (awarded)

Disaster Planning Workshop and Conservation Storage Supplies

FAIN: PG-50126-07

New England Quilt Museum (Lowell, MA 01852)
Anita B. Loscalzo (Project Director: May 2006 to May 2007)
Connie Colom (Project Director: May 2007 to April 2009)

Hiring a consultant to conduct an on-site consultation and facility review to develop a disaster preparedness and response plan. The consultant will collaborate with staff of the museum to conduct a one-day workshop to implement the disaster plan. The museum's collection includes quilts from across the country, with the majority from New England. The quilts range in date from 1800 to the late 20th century.

The New England Quilt Museum is requesting support for preservation activities recommended by a 2003 General Conservation Assessment (CAP). The first component of the project is to have a professional conservator consultant develop disaster preparedness and response guidelines and resource materials to be used by museum staff to develop the museum's disaster plan manual for our textile collection. As part of this process the curatorial staff will collaborate with the conservator consultant to present a disaster recovery workshop for the museum staff. The second component of the project is to purchase additional conservation supplies to meet the needs of future acquistions to the permanent collection. These include steel shelving and archival boxing.