Preserving Archival and Special Collections
FAIN: PG-50223-08
Sandusky Library (Sandusky, OH 44870-2751)
Ron Davidson (Project Director: May 2007 to July 2009)
Purchase of storage supplies, a disaster recovery kit, and environmental monitoring equipment to preserve the library's archives and special collections documenting the history of the city of Sandusky and Erie County, Ohio.
To purchase preservation supplies and secure storage: One digital data logger and related software and connectors; three water detection devices; two disaster recovery kits; two locking map cabinets, with base. The supplies and equipment are to be used in the Archives Research Center of the Sandusky Library, to provide improved monitoring and control of rare collections. The Library, as a community trustee, is a primary source of documentation of the history of the city of Sandusky and Erie County, Ohio. The collections held in the Archives provide historical information to genealogists, researchers, Library staff (for programs), and the community at-large; these collections consist of approximately 200 linear feet of documents, including: manuscripts; research notes; records and papers of local organizations and individuals; approximately 10,000 photographic images; more than 150 maps; more than 600 original posters; and other published and unpublished sources.