
Preservation and Access: Preservation Assistance Grants

Period of Performance

1/1/2008 - 6/30/2009

Funding Totals

$4,976.00 (approved)
$4,976.00 (awarded)

Preservation of Archaeological Field Maps

FAIN: PG-50269-08

Beloit College (Beloit, WI 53511-5595)
Nicolette B. Meister (Project Director: May 2007 to August 2009)

The purchase of storage furniture to rehouse 100 archaeological field maps holding data related to Native American cultures in the Northeast, the Southwest, and Mesoamerica. A conservator would oversee the project and conduct training for staff in the care and handling of maps and other oversized materials.

The Logan Museum of Anthropology requests support to relocate, rehouse, increase accessibility to, and upgrade the care and preservation of 100 archaeological field maps. The project implements recommendations of a 2002 Conservation Assessment Project (CAP) survey report and builds upon a current collections rehousing project funded by an NEH grant for Stabilizing Humanities Collections. The museum will: (1) relocate archaeological maps to a climate controlled and secure museum space; (2) obtain training in relaxing rolled maps from a conservation consultant; and (3) rehouse the maps in archival folders in a new, preservation-quality, flat file storage cabinet.