
Preservation and Access: Preservation Assistance Grants

Period of Performance

12/1/2007 - 5/31/2009

Funding Totals

$3,528.00 (approved)
$3,528.00 (awarded)

Preserving Photographs Related to Alutiiq History and Culture

FAIN: PG-50366-08

Alutiiq Heritage Foundation (Kodiak, AK 99615-7326)
Marnie Leist (Project Director: May 2007 to September 2008)

Hiring a consultant to conduct a preservation assessment and create a long-term plan for the care of photographic collections documenting the history of the Alutiiq, an Alaskan Native people culturally related to the Eskimos.

The Alutiiq Museum seeks to improve the care of its photographic collections and develop a plan for future photographic collecting. To meet these goals, the museum will undertake a survey, training, and planning project. We will review our current photographic care and management practices, host on-site training in photographic care for museum staff and community colleagues, facilitate a community meeting on digital archiving standards and resources, develop a plan for a comprehensive photo-care project, and create guidelines for photographic collecting.