
Preservation and Access: Preservation Assistance Grants

Period of Performance

1/1/2009 - 6/30/2010

Funding Totals

$6,000.00 (approved)
$6,000.00 (awarded)

Chicago Film Archives Preservation Furniture and Equipment Project

FAIN: PG-50449-09

Chicago Film Archives, NFP (Chicago, IL 60616-1120)
Carolyn Faber (Project Director: May 2008 to October 2010)

The purchase and installation of preservation-quality shelving, a film inspection gauge, and environmental monitoring equipment, which were recommended by the consultant in the repository's 2007 preservation assessment.

In response to recommendations made in a 2007 collections assessment that was funded by the NEH Preservation Assistance Grant, Chicago Film Archives would like to purchase and install horizontal shelving to replace the mostly vertical shelving where the films are presently stored. Shelving priority will be given to the Core Collections that are comprised of films that reflect Midwest culture and history. In addition, CFA would like to purchase a shrinkage gauge for film inspection and a temperature/RH logger with software.