North Star Museum Lighting Consultation Project
FAIN: PG-50677-09
North Star Museum of Boy Scouting and Girl Scouting (West St. Paul, MN 55118-0341)
Claudia Jean Nicholson (Project Director: May 2008 to January 2011)
Development of a plan to improve lighting in the museum's exhibition spaces. Current natural and artificial lighting conditions are damaging to the museum's collection of uniforms, flags, banners, books, and photographs that date from the beginning of Boy Scouting in 1910 and Girl Scouting in 1912.
The purpose of this project is to develop a lighting plan for the North Star Museum of Boy Scouting and Girl Scouting, and use the resulting document to develop a Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit bids from an electrical contractor to carry out the plan. To that end, we will use funds from the Preservation Assistance Grant program to hire a museum lighting consultant, who will analyze our lighting situation, make recommendations for changes, design a plan, assist us with preparing an RFP, and assist us in evaluating the resultant bids.