Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Archives Preservation Survey
FAIN: PG-50746-10
Clark Art Institute (Williamstown, MA 01267-2878)
Susan Roeper (Project Director: May 2009 to September 2011)
A general preservation assessment of the personal papers of art collectors Sterling and Francine Clark and the records of the Art Institute they established in 1950. The papers and organizational records document the emerging field of American art in the early and mid-20th century, and the administrative history of the institute from its founding through the present.
A grant from the NEH Preservation Assistance Grants program would support a general preservation survey of the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute's archival collections conducted by the Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC). The survey would assess possible risks to archival collections from building- and environment-related problems; address emergency preparedness, fire protection, and security concerns; evaluate policies and procedures as they apply to preservation; review the existing collections maintenance program; provide recommendations for improving storage and handling practices; and review the general condition of collections. The consultation will consist of a one-day site visit and a written report that will present NEDCC staff observations and recommendations and that can be used as a planning document. The survey will identify short-, medium-, and long-term preservation priorities.