
Preservation and Access: Preservation Assistance Grants

Period of Performance

1/1/2010 - 6/30/2011

Funding Totals

$3,317.00 (approved)
$3,317.00 (awarded)

Naropa University Art Preservation Assessment

FAIN: PG-50832-10

Naropa University (Boulder, CO 80302-6602)
Jessica Velie (Project Director: May 2009 to June 2010)
Mark Kille (Project Director: June 2010 to June 2012)

Hiring a preservation specialist to conduct a preservation assessment of the art collection of the university. The collection includes calligraphy pieces created by the founder of the university; thangkas and mandalas--Buddhist iconographic paintings and prints; posters of university events and activities; and art works donated by members of the university community. These items are on display throughout the university.

Naropa University has played an important role in the spread of Buddhism in the west, and has made significant contributions in a number of fields, including literature, psychology and other aspects of the humanities. The University's art collections reflect the institution's rich history. The art collection is comprised of approximately 350 pieces of art in a variety of formats, including paintings, calligraphy, sculpture, prints, posters, photographs, installations and drawings. Some pieces have a connection to the University's founder. The grant will support an overall assessment of the collection by a highly qualified consultant; an examination of the current exhibition and storage conditions, and purchase of a PEM2 environmental monitor; and purchase of preservation quality re-housing and storage supplies based on the consultant's recommendations. The goal of the project is to ensure that this valuable collection is cared for using best practices.