
Preservation and Access: Preservation Assistance Grants

Period of Performance

1/1/2011 - 6/30/2012

Funding Totals

$3,545.00 (approved)
$3,545.00 (awarded)

Preservation of Local History Collections at California State University, Stanislaus

FAIN: PG-51271-11

California State University, Stanislaus Foundation (Turlock, CA 95382-3200)
Kenneth Potts (Project Director: May 2010 to November 2012)

The purchase of preservation supplies and environmental monitoring equipment for the university's archives and special collections of rare books and manuscript materials related to prominent local politicians, educators, artists, and business figures, including the papers of Nisaburo Aibara documenting the life of a local Japanese-American community leader and the impact of Japanese relocation on the region.

On May 14-15, 2009, a consultant from the California Preservation Program (CPP) conducted a Preservation Assessment of the Special Collections and Archives at California State University, Stanislaus (CSU Stanislaus) in Turlock, California. The assessment was funded by the CSU and the CPP to address CSU’s concerns that it is taking appropriate actions to preserve its special collections. The CSU Stanislaus Special Collections consists of a small but diverse gathering of archival and monographic collections with local and regional historical value; the entire holdings are estimated at 24,300 items. The consultant’s report offers seven findings and to each finding a set of recommended actions, with justifications. This project is CSU Stanislaus Library’s endeavor to follow up on the findings and implement, whenever feasible, the actions recommended in the assessment report.