American Association of University Women Archives Preservation Assessment
FAIN: PG-51375-11
American Association of University Women (Washington, DC 20036-4809)
Jill Birdwhistell (Project Director: May 2010 to September 2011)
A preservation assessment of an archive documenting the history of the American Association of University Women, founded in 1881 to advance educational and professional opportunities for women. The consulting archivist would survey the collection, of interest to social and political historians, with the goal of developing a comprehensive collections management plan and helping the institution hire an archivist to direct its implementation.
The AAUW Archives Preservation Assessment Project will accomplish three goals. First, Conservation Consultant Brian Ramer, of Aiken and Ramer in Baltimore, will conduct an overall assessment of the historical collections housed both on- and off-site as to their current storage and preservation condition. Secondly, this assessment will be used to develop a project priority list in order to preserve and make available five primary archival collections: 1. AAUW Archives on Microfilm (1881-1976), including a printed index and 54 boxes of original materials stored off-site; 2. AAUW journals (1882 to present) and printed indexes; 3. AAUW publications and reports; 4. AAUW photographs; and 5. AAUW archival materials boxed and stored on- and off-site. And, finally, training will be provided for appropriate staff and a cadre of volunteers in the techniques to use in developing an inventory and in appropriately preserving the collection and making it more accessible.
Media Coverage
Navigating the Federal Grant Maze (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Mark Athitakis
Publication: ASAE Associations Now
Date: 4/1/2011
Abstract: Interview by ASAE with tips on aaplying for the NEH grant